Display Builder

Version History

Version 1

v1.2.6 - 08/02/15

- Added Physical reference grid in UI and image export exports.
- Softedge is entered & displayed as pixels, percentage or physical dimensions.
- Project defaults and Display resolutions loaded from external XML file.
- Added UI option to load external project file.

v1.0.9 - 28/01/14

- Increased memory settings for JRE to allow larger alignment image exports.
- Set default Display resolution to 1920x1080px.

v1.0.8 - 04/01/14

- Rebuilt app with latest version of Processing. App requires JRE 7 which is either embedded, or must be installed for the non-embedded export to function.
- Requires OS 10.7.3 or later to run on the Mac platform.

v1.0.7 - 29/07/13

- Made it possible to resize the application window.

v1.0.6 - 24/07/13

- Made it possible to pan the viewport by clicking and dragging.
- Double-clicking on the stage centres the projection surface in the viewport.

v1.0.5 - 15/07/13

- Added licence text to UI and docs.

v1.0.4 - 10/07/13

- Changed UI text for Display & Computer name options.

v1.0.3 - 09/07/13

- Added the option to show crop values for Displays.
- Crop values added to CSV export format.

v1.0.2 - 04/07/13

- Fixed bug with Warping grids with non-integer column widths.
- Fixed bug with Display coloring groups for multi-output.

v1.0 - 03/07/13

- Initial Build.